Study: Open Data Produces Twice the Growth of TTIP - Open Enterprise
Items tagged with oa.omidyar_network in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2014-07-04
"Open data has been discussed here on Open Enterprise for years, and it's probably true to say that it has entered the mainstream, at least as far as the readership of Computerworld UK is concerned. Nonetheless, it's always good to have more studies of its impact, and of its potential for wider use in the future. A new report commissioned by the Omidyar Network from Australian researchers is particularly welcome because it focuses not on the wishy-washy virtues of sharing, or even its efficiency, but on the economic benefits of open data ... It's full of case studies, charts, tables and plenty of interesting references, but here I want to concentrate on that main result: that open data could boost cumulative G20 GDP by around 1.1% over five years. I choose that because it provides some much-needed context for the European Commission's claims about the economic benefits of TTIP. An earlier TTIP update noted how even the most optimistic scenario in the main forecast for TTIP - paid for the European Commission itself, and therefore likely to be as favourable as possible - could only find a cumulative 0.5% GDP boost after 10 years. In this new Omidyar report, we learn that open data could potentially give us double that boost, in half the time ..."
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