How Is Open Data Changing the World? Key Findings from Open Data Impact Case Studies | Open Government Partnership

Items tagged with oa.omidyar_network in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2016-04-15


"While there is no shortage of enthusiasm for open data’s potential, nor of conjectural estimates of its hypothetical impact, few rigorous, systematic analyses exist of its concrete, real-world impact. In the interest of addressing this important informational shortcoming, the GovLab (link is external) and Omidyar Network (link is external) collaborated on the development of 19 detailed case studies of open data projects from around the world. The case studies and the key findings across the projects – 'Open Data Impact: When Demand and Supply Meet (link is external)' – are now available at Open Data’s Impact (link is external) ( The case studies were chosen for their geographic and sectoral representativeness. They seek to go beyond the descriptive (what happened) to the explanatory (why it happened, and what is the wider relevance or impact). In what follows we briefly share our key findings along the following dimensions: Key dimensions of impact; Key enabling conditions; Key challenges ..."


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oa.reports oa.omidyar_network oa.govlab

Date tagged:

04/15/2016, 18:21

Date published:

04/15/2016, 14:21