Why are We Not Charging Article Publication Fee for Open Access Publishing? | Zeetarz

Items tagged with oa.nigeria in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2018-05-13


"We’re so happy to see quite a good number of researchers reacting to our decision to publish peer-reviewed accepted journal research papers completely free (open Access) since thousands of papers are published open access monthly with so much money paid by the researchers. This means that if your paper is accepted in any of the Journals published by Zeetarz Publishing Nigeria, we’ll publish it completely free.   Why the Decision to publish open access free? Zeetarz Publishing is an independent Nigerian small publisher committed to supporting Developing Countries researchers/ scholars publish their research findings completely free. Our reason is this; in developing countries, especially Nigeria and Kenya where Universities and other Tertiary Institutions practice ‘Publish or Perish’, Lecturers spend so much paying Article Publication Fees in order to make their published research papers free online (unrestricted or open access)...."



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Date tagged:

05/13/2018, 14:39

Date published:

05/13/2018, 10:39