Developing a framework for open access knowledge in Nigeria (June 2016)
Items tagged with oa.nigeria in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2018-10-25
Abstract: The thesis provides an analysis of the legal and policy dimensions of open access to research, education and public sector information with special focus on Nigeria. It aims to investigate how open access has evolved across the world and how such initiatives could be implemented in Nigeria. It seeks to connect Nigerian works to the ‘global library’ thereby providing visibility and increasing the possibilities for impact and utility of such works. It seeks to provide a platform where Nigerians are able to freely connect to the ‘global library’, through the open access dual platforms of self-archiving and open access publishing, thereby providing them with access to use and reuse scholarly works. It further seeks to provide an understanding of open educational resources as alternative avenues to accessing education and seeks to foster citizenry participation, good governance, accountability, democratic values and spur creativity and innovation through open governance and access to public sector information.
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