Journal Citation Indicator. Just Another Tool in Clarivate's Metrics Toolbox? - The Scholarly Kitchen
Items tagged with oa.clarivate in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-05-24
"The JCI has several benefits when compared against the standard Journal Impact Factor (JIF): It is based on a journal’s citation performance across three full years of citation data rather than a single year’s snapshot of a journal’s performance across the previous two years. Clarivate also promises to provide the JCI score to all journals in its Core Collection, even those journals that do not currently receive a JIF score.
The JCI also avoids the numerator-denominator problem of the JIF, where ALL citations to a journal are counted in the numerator, but only “citable items” (Articles and Review) are counted in the denominator. The JCI only focuses on Articles and Reviews.
Finally, like a good indicator, the JCI is easy to interpret. Average performance is set to 1.0, so a journal that receives a JCI score of 2.5 performed two-and-a-half times better than average, while a journal with a score of 0.5 performed only half as well.
To me, JCI’s biggest weakness is Clarivate’s bold claim that it achieved normalization across disciplines...."
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