Clarivate’s former publisher relations expert joins Frontiers | Research Information

Items tagged with oa.clarivate in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-09-15


"Research publisher Frontiers appoints Tom Ciavarella as head of public affairs and advocacy for North America to strategise and execute advocacy initiatives to support Frontiers’ mission and accelerate transition to open science. Tom has 20 years’ experience in relationship management, business development, and content strategy. After an early career in copy-editing and writing, he worked at F.A. Davis Company, an independent medical publisher in the US, where he acquired and developed new medical textbooks and helped bring print-only resources into the digital world. In 2015, Tom joined Clarivate Analytics (now Clarivate) as a publisher relations manager for Web of Science Group with a focus on content and communication strategy.  Most recently, Tom managed large strategic accounts for the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), a non-profit that helps publishers and other copyright holders coordinate content delivery, licensing, and open access workflows. Tom also served as a liaison to CCC's government relations team, which works to guide policymakers on copyright modernisation and related topics. ..."


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Date tagged:

09/15/2022, 13:31

Date published:

09/15/2022, 09:31