Sharjah Book Authority and Ambrosian Library Digitize Arabic Manuscripts
Items tagged with oa.arab_world in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-09-28
"In Milan, an agreement has been signed for the digitization of more than 2,500 Arabic manuscripts–some more than 450 years old–and for them to be made digitally available through Sharjah’s public library system.
The Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan is described as one of the most important collections of manuscripts that touch on language, history, astronomy, medicine, mapping, and the Hadith or Athar, considered by many Muslims to be a record of the doings and sayings of the prophet Muhammad.
The new agreement for the digitization of these documents has been made by the Ambrosiana’s conservation director Lorenzo Ornaghi and the United Arab Emirates‘ Sharjah Book Authority chair Ahmed Al Ameri...."
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