openCost: cost data survey
Items tagged with oa.opencost in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-06-28
The aim of the project openCost is to create a technical infrastructure that makes publication costs freely accessible and exchangeable via standardized interfaces and formats. This is supposed to enable cost transparency on an institutional, national, and international level.
To achieve this, we are developing a standardized metadata schema to record, retrieve and map all publication costs of a scientific institution in a structured form. In addition to OA publication charges (APCs), the schema also includes costs from transformation contracts, memberships, etc.
With the help of this survey, we want to find out more about the work processes and tools of national and international libraries as well as the practice of publication cost monitoring in order to take the identified needs into account in the further course of the project.
To learn more about the openCost project, you're welcome to visit our website. A first metadata schema for capturing journal article costs can be found in our GitHub repository. Comments and suggestions are welcome at any time, and may be submitted through GitHub Issues or via email.
The project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – grant number 457354095.
This survey will remain open through August 15, 2023.
Thank you for your participation!
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