Annual Meeting Report and the new COAR Executive Board – COAR
Items tagged with oa.coar in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-10-08
"The meeting began with a presentation from Dr. Ana Peršić, who introduced the UNESCO draft Open Science Recommendations, explained how they were developed, and presented UNESCO’s plans for their dissemination. COAR strongly supports the recommendations and has been an active partner in their development. An important next step after they are ratified in November will be to translate these very high level recommendations into concrete actions related to policy adoption and infrastructure development, something COAR is eager to assist with.
Other sessions included a round table of representatives from Latin America, Africa, United States, Canada, Asia, Europe who presented their activities related to the COAR Strategy for Modernizing Repositories. The strategy involves working with regional and national groups to develop specialized plans to strengthen repository operations in each jurisdiction and help position them to play a more expansive role in the scholarly communications landscape, as outlined in the Next Generation Repository vision...."
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