PALOMERA Knowledge Base - New Resource and Feedback Survey

URabar's bookmarks 2024-05-02


The PALOMERA project has created one of its first resources, the Knowledge Base collecting OA book policy documents across the European Research Area. It aims to help the community as a first step towards a better overview of what documents exist or are available. After months of working on this resource, we would like to know how are you or how would you use it within your organisation.

For that purpose, we have set up a very short survey on this link that should take 10 to 15 minutes. Within it, you can provide your feedback on different potential uses as well as suggest ideas on future OA book policy recommendations the project is planning to deliver over the next few months. The survey also contains a short demonstration (2-minute video) on how the Knowledge Base works. The deadline is the 15th of June. Your input is very important to us to make sure we continue working on our goals while aligned with the community. Help shape the future of OA books!

For any questions, you can contact Ursula Rabar, Project Community Manager, at


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » URabar's bookmarks

Tags: oa.books oa.palomera oa.policies oa.access oa.funders oa.policies.funders oa.funders oa.europe

Date tagged:

05/02/2024, 03:17

Date published:

05/01/2024, 23:17