OA Book Usage Data Trust | Community Consultations Feb - Mar

URabar's bookmarks 2022-05-19


The OA Book Usage Data Trust (OAEBUDT) effort that is working under the vision of Community Governed Sharing of Quality, Interoperable, Open Access (OA) Book Usage Data is aiming to launch an international data space to act as a neutral intermediary for the OA book usage data exchange between public and private organisations. They would like to hear feedback from the community on two important development aspects:

1. OA Book Usage Data Exchange and Stewardship Rulebook - Online Web Form Community Consultation 

With the support from the community, the OAEBUDT effort has prepared a first draft of the OA Book Usage Data Exchange and Stewardship Rulebook to specify the principles that generate trust through OAEBUDT participation, usage data management, processing, and provision. As a key component in this process, they would like to hear feedback from the community on the draft to ensure it is developed by listening to all the different perspectives. 

You can access the draft and provide your feedback via this form until the 7th of March

2. Membership and Sustainability Models – Online Focus Groups 

To explore and evaluate ways to sustain a trusted, neutral data intermediary infrastructure within the scholarly publishing ecosystem and to consider the strengths and weaknesses of various cost-recovery oriented revenue generation options for the OAEBUDT, they have organized two online focus groups. 

By filling in this form, you can sign up and choose the one that works best for your time zone: 

March 20th at 9.00 AM CET / 8.00 AM UTC / 4.00 AM EDT 

March 20th at 3.00 PM CET / 2.00 PM UTC / 10.00 AM EDT 

For any questions contact Ursula Rabar, Community Manager at OAEBUDT. 



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Date tagged:

05/19/2022, 09:04

Date published:

05/19/2022, 01:43