Project ReShare: Building a Community-Owned Resource Sharing Platform: The Serials Librarian: Vol 0, No 0

Items tagged with oa.reshare in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2020-02-06


Abstract:  Project ReShare is a community-driven effort to build an open-source, highly scalable resource sharing platform that supports the research lifecycle from discovery through fulfillment. The project’s initial focus will be on designing tools to facilitate reciprocal borrowing agreements within library consortia, including a shared index, request management system, and workflows for unmediated borrowing. This paper introduces ReShare and describes how the project partners are working to improve the resource sharing experience for library users and staff. It provides background about the project, describes development goals and progress, and addresses future possibilities for ReShare beyond its initial release.  


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oa.reshare oa.platforms oa.libraries oa.infrastructure oa.academic_led

Date tagged:

02/06/2020, 13:13

Date published:

02/06/2020, 08:13