City Research Online & IRUS-UK « City Open Access

Items tagged with oa.eprints in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2012-08-30


“Regular readers of this blog will know that we like our stats here at City Research Online. Therefore, when we were approached by representatives of the IRUS-UK project, we leapt at the chance to participate.  The JISC-funded project is intending to set up a national infrastructure to aggregate and disseminate institutional repository (IR) download statistics, thereby demonstrating the vital importance of IRs in the scholarly communications landscape (and by extension, the importance of Green Open Access). These statistics will also be COUNTER-compliant, [Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources] of meaning they can be reported on to SCONUL and other interested parties. The statistics gathered will be freely available and re-usable, in the spirit of the openly accessible IRs on which they report.  For us, the project is a chance to be involved in (and perhaps in a small way influence) the early stages of a project which is likely to be an important piece of infrastructure. It also will provide a way to verify the statistics we gather from our in-house tools (Eprints’ IR Stats package and the ubiquitous Google Analytics), and to benchmark ourselves against other institutions. The early indications are that the other four participating institutions (Bournemouth, Cranfield, Huddersfield and Salford) receive LOTS of downloads compared to us, but then they are all larger and more established than us.  I’ll blog about this project more in future, when we have more to report upon.


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.eprints in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) »


oa.usage oa.standards oa.repositories oa.metrics oa.libraries oa.librarians oa.jisc oa.google_analytics oa.funders oa.counter oa.comment oa.benchmarks irus-uk oa.comment oa.libraries oa.usage oa.librarians oa.funders eprints

Date tagged:

08/30/2012, 19:55

Date published:

08/30/2012, 15:55