ARL and Six Universities Awarded National Science Foundation Grant to Study Discipline-Specific Models and Costs for Public Access to Research Data - Association of Research Libraries

Items tagged with oa.usa.nsf in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-07-24


"The US National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and six universities involved in the Data Curation Network a $297,019 grant to conduct research, develop models, and collect costing information for public access to research data across five disciplinary areas. The project, Completing the Life Cycle: Developing Evidence-Based Models of Research Data Sharing, will start in August 2021.... This research seeks to answer the following questions: Where are funded researchers across these institutions making their data publicly accessible and what is the quality of the metadata? How are researchers making decisions about why and how to share research data? What is the cost to the institution to implement the federally mandated public access to research data policy? ..."


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Date tagged:

07/24/2021, 10:21

Date published:

07/24/2021, 06:22