Utter specious unscientific nonsensical drivel the CDC & NIH & Health Canada & government officials spew at us on MONKEYPOX (MPOX); look at madness of Singapore now isolating people (close contacts
Substack vax - Trending on BuzzSumo 2024-09-05
Comments - 'Scientists demand Britons wear face masks as new Covid variant BA.X spreads'; what a load of specious drivel, garbage, they all know, SAGE, CDC, NIH, FDA, Health Canada, PHAC that masks are JUNK,
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 08/15/2023
Comments - 'Scientists demand Britons wear face masks as new Covid variant BA.X spreads'; what a load of specious drivel, garbage, they all know, SAGE, CDC, NIH, FDA, Health Canada, PHAC that masks are JUNK,
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 09/16/2023
Pure unscientific specious tripe, typical from CDC, NIH inept corrupted so called 'scientists', from NY city & state health officials who are as smart as blades of grass, New Yorkers to mask up again?
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 09/01/2023
Comments - Pure unscientific specious tripe, typical from CDC, NIH inept corrupted so called 'scientists', from NY city & state health officials who are as smart as blades of grass, New Yorkers to mask up again?
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 10/03/2023
Monkeypox (MPOX) & I have written ad nauseum on this & will touch on it again as the real question as the global malevolent evil feral beasts (CDC, NIH, FDA, Health Canada, PHAC, SAGE etc.) try to
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 08/31/2024
Hang'em High! All, every single CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA, HHS, Health Canada, PHAC, SAGE, all, in all nations, all health officials, government officials, technocrats, all who knew the wrongs they were
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 09/19/2023
Comments - Hang'em High! All, every single CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA, HHS, Health Canada, PHAC, SAGE, all, in all nations, all health officials, government officials, technocrats, all who knew the wrongs they were
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 10/21/2023
Comments - We, our governments, the health officials at CDC, NIH, FDA, PHAC, Health Canada, SAGE etc. killed our parents, grand-parents, loved ones, co-workers! With ventilators, with the MEDICAL MANAGEMENT!
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 11/02/2023
Comments - We, our governments, the health officials at CDC, NIH, FDA, PHAC, Health Canada, SAGE etc. killed our parents, grand-parents, loved ones, co-workers! With ventilators, with the MEDICAL MANAGEMENT!
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 12/04/2023
So we have to explain to these idiots in our governments, health officials at Health Canada, PHAC, CDC, NIH, SAGE UK etc. that if you vaccinate an infant, young child with the Malone Bourla mRNA shot
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 03/16/2024
How & why did medical & scientific establishment e.g. medical doctors, allow governments ('officials' elected or not), health officials (in CDC, PHAC, NIH, Health Canada, SAGE, NIAID, FDA) College
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 02/10/2024
Aldén et al. was prescient showing us infact that Pfizer COVID gene vaccine's mRNA could be transcribed back to DNA & showing again how much CDC, NIH, FDA, Health Canada officials LIE & deceive the
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 09/01/2023
Comments - Aldén et al. was prescient showing us infact that Pfizer COVID gene vaccine's mRNA could be transcribed back to DNA & showing again how much CDC, NIH, FDA, Health Canada officials LIE & deceive the
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 10/03/2023
Comments - Aldén et al. was prescient showing us infact that Pfizer COVID gene vaccine's mRNA could be transcribed back to DNA & showing again how much CDC, NIH, FDA, Health Canada officials LIE & deceive the
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 10/03/2023
Comments - I look at Canadian and US government officials, definitely their health officials e.g. CDC, FDA, Health Canada etc. as dangerous Pathological liars, malfeasant, psychopathic & why? Tamara Ugolini
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 09/20/2023
I look at Canadian and US government officials, definitely their health officials e.g. CDC, FDA, Health Canada etc. as dangerous Pathological liars, malfeasant, psychopathic & why? Tamara Ugolini
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 09/20/2023
Comments - I look at Canadian and US government officials, definitely their health officials e.g. CDC, FDA, Health Canada etc. as dangerous Pathological liars, malfeasant, psychopathic & why? Tamara Ugolini
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 10/21/2023
Masks for COVID? You want to see madness, look no further than the corrupt moronic idiots, the specious dolts & retarded imbeciles at CDC who today still say kids 2 years old & above wear COVID masks;
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 12/06/2023
Comments - Masks for COVID? You want to see madness, look no further than the corrupt moronic idiots, the specious dolts & retarded imbeciles at CDC who today still say kids 2 years old & above wear COVID masks;
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 12/06/2023
Yes, hang them all high! All health officials, all CDC, NIH, FDA, PHAC, SAGE...any and all ministers, government people in all nations who partook in the fraud of COVID & caused deaths with lockdown
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 06/23/2023
Comments - Yes, hang them all high! All health officials, all CDC, NIH, FDA, PHAC, SAGE...any and all ministers, government people in all nations who partook in the fraud of COVID & caused deaths with lockdown
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 07/25/2023
SAGE HANA asks a serious question & the premise is correct that the fear porn, IMO lies, deceit by governments, CDC, NIH, FDA, PHAC, Health Canada drove young people to take the deadly mRNA technology
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 02/14/2024
Comments - BABY KILLERS: Health Canada KILLER officials Now Recommends TWO doses of mRNA Biowepon to Babies; Also: CDC Data Shows the Infant Mortality Rate Increased for the First Time in 20 Years in 2022,
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 11/04/2023
Comments - BABY KILLERS: Health Canada KILLER officials Now Recommends TWO doses of mRNA Biowepon to Babies; Also: CDC Data Shows the Infant Mortality Rate Increased for the First Time in 20 Years in 2022,
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 12/06/2023
'Study Finds Hydroxychloroquine Connected to Lower COVID Mortality Rates' (American Faith): what? after all they did to kill people, the CDC, PHAC, NIH, FDA, SAGE, Health Canada, denying doctors from
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 11/08/2023