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Elderly mother crying out, fear in her eyes to see family, locked in during COVID; makes you want to throttle malfeasants who did this to millions, tens of millions & our parents/grand parents DIED
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 01/11/2025
Since the Spanish Flu of 1918, Big Pharma Has Deceived the Public About the Safety of Vaccines. The Role of the Rockefellers (Guzman, Global Research); the most dangerous vaccine known to man is the
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 01/11/2025
Vaccines for elderly persons can never work, has never worked, will never work because they have immuno-senescence, that is, no immune system capable of mounting and immune response or build memory
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 01/11/2025
If Operation Northwoods (flying remote controlled aircraft into Cuban & American buildings by America's DoD in 1962), then self-disseminating (DNA/RNA amplifying) vaccines are coming! Avian bird flu
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 01/10/2025
A Timeline of Deception, Fraud and Coverup: They knew. They lied. People died. They still know. They are still lying. People are still dying. We refer to COVID fraud & mRNA vaccine fraud & POTUS Trump
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 01/10/2025