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'More Vaccine Doses Linked to Higher Rate of Infant Mortality'; Multiple vaccines administered concurrently have also been shown to increase mortality. In all nations, a causal relationship between
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/23/2023
Malone sent John Littell to tell me if I keep asking Malone the crushing mRNA questions I do, he will sue me; I say to Malone, take your best shot, we will return it in kind; you MUST answer questions
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/23/2023
Was Dr. Ramin Oskoui Silenced? Was Dr. Rashid Buttar killed? Oskoui at the senate hearing: "We need to investigate why the NIH, academic medicine and the CDC failed us so badly"; his autopsy?
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/23/2023
Comments - Former NFL player Chris Smith dead at 31; rest in peace Chris, huge Condolences to all his family; I have a question, this was made public so if public we can engage; did Smith take the series of mRNA
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 05/23/2023