Feed retrieval for Trending Substack vaccine-related content on 10/11/2024, 22:36
New items – 7 total
Once again, Dr. James Hill, MD deserves a Clint hat tip so see next! James raises an issue with Dr. Vinay Prasad's statement on masks; I love Jame's definition on limited hangouts & ask him to cut
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 10/11/2024
Trump (aka 45) is BEST & ONLY option for this election but while I stand by him & doing ALL I can to help elect him & yes, he was toppled by deepstate Fauci Azar et al. with fraud OWS, he MUST fix,
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 10/11/2024
Peter and Ginger remain two people who I think are legitimate, will NOT turn to the other side; I think many who fought with us were on the other side & now smell MONEY, mRNA money! read this treatise
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 10/11/2024
Union boss asking for 77% raise for dock workers & threatens the US economy...tells America "I will cripple you, you have no idea what that means...every single port a lockdown"; listen to this union
Trending Substack vaccine-related content 10/11/2024