264 proposals submitted to the 1st OSCARS Open Call
Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-19
"The 1st OSCARS Open Call for Open Science projects* and services closed on Wednesday, May 15th, with 264 submitted proposals from 33 countries, of which 30% from outside the European Union. The total funding available in this first call amounts to over 13 million EUR.
Principal investigators come from 226 organisations spanning universities (37%), research technology organisations (27%), Research Infrastructures (14%), SMEs and startups (7%), non-profit or NGOs (6%), international organisations (3%) and others (6%)...
These projects aim to make (meta)data, software, tools and/or workflows FAIR and available to fellow researchers and the general public, to facilitate accessibility and reuse by the scientific community at large."
Over the next 60 days the submitted proposals will be evaluated.