EGI at the Forefront of Open Science: a Look at EGI's Collaboration in China

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-20



“In April 2024, EGI [a federation of computing and storage resource providers from over 30 countries and international institutes united by a mission to support research and development] was invited to participate in the ‘Research Infrastructure and Sustainable Development of Open Science’ parallel session of the Zhongguancun Forum in Beijing, China. Established in 2007, the Forum is the largest innovation and development event in China, and over the years, it has grown into an international event for enhancing global innovation in science and technology.

The parallel session on Open Science was divided into five parts: leadership speeches, launching a new open science platform [in China], a keynote speech by Prof Fujishima Akira, 2004’s Nobel Prize for Chemistry, a panel discussion and thank-you speeches."



05/20/2024, 07:06

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Date tagged:

05/20/2024, 11:06

Date published:

05/15/2024, 07:06