A Vision on Open Science for the Evolution of Software Engineering Research and Practice

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-21


Abstract. "Open Science aims to foster openness and collaboration in research, leading to more significant scientific and social impact. However, practicing Open Science comes with several challenges and is currently not properly rewarded. In this paper, we share our vision for addressing those challenges through a conceptual framework that connects essential building blocks for a change in the Software Engineering community, both culturally and technically. The idea behind this framework is that Open Science is treated as a first-class requirement for better Software Engineering research, practice, recognition, and relevant social impact. There is a long road for us, as a community, to truly embrace and gain from the benefits of Open Science. Nevertheless, we shed light on the directions for promoting the necessary culture shift and empowering the Software Engineering community."




05/20/2024, 23:00

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Date tagged:

05/21/2024, 03:00

Date published:

05/19/2024, 23:00