Exploring Opportunities and Challenges at the Intersection of Open Science and Artificial Intelligence | UNESCO & Royal Society

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-22



The conference will be hosted jointly by UNESCO and the Royal Society and will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (in a hybrid mode) on 6 June at 4 pm Paris time.

The event aims to further explore the practical, technical and scientific challenges and opportunities at the interface of open science and AI. The main themes will be:

  • How policymakers and scientific communities should ensure that AI-based research meets open science principles and practices, as these conditions will facilitate AI’s potential benefits in science.
  • Open science in the age of AI: the context of the implementation of the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation 
  • Approaches that funders and AI developers should take to enhance accessibility and usability of essential AI infrastructures (including data) and tools for scientific research.




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Date tagged:

05/22/2024, 02:20

Date published:

05/21/2024, 22:20