Networked research and open science: the WEIWER® experience

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-22


Abstract. "This text addresses the importance of scientific collaboration networks in the context of open science, presenting the experience achieved within the International Academic Network WEIWER®. From this particular case, it will be possible to show that scientific entrepreneurship initiatives, based on collaborative research, are an effective way to overcome the individualism still present in many university institutions, e.g. due to their traditional or conventional features. Therefore, we aim to reflect on the contribution of these research networks to the policies that sustain the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge. In a current situation, in which there is a consolidation of the culture of openness, both at the governmental and academic levels, the WEIWER® experience allows us to conclude that networked research enables the construction of an open, collaborative and social space for science, respecting the autonomy, reflection and independence of each researcher. In short, we argue that in the context of open science, these research networks contribute to promote the construction of knowledge in collective settings, creating enriching dialogues and understandings on the complexity of both the research objects and designs dealt with."



05/22/2024, 03:57

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05/22/2024, 07:57

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05/21/2024, 03:57