La rivoluzione incompiuta. La scienza aperta tra diritto d’autore e proprietà intellettuale / Roberto Caso

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-24



'[Google Translation] If you ask a common-sense person "who owns science?", the most likely answer is: "everyone!".

Behind the veil of an instinctive and (apparently) superficial response lies the story of the eternal conflict between openness and closure of knowledge, between publicity and secrecy. A conflict that takes on peculiar connotations in the digital age.

At the dawn of the Internet era, a part of the scientific community cultivated the hope of strengthening scientific discourse and the public use of reason by creating a democratic network of minds.

This hope today appears threatened by the commodification of knowledge and by forces that aim to centralize decision-making power in the hands of a few. Science appears increasingly in crisis. Can openness cure the crisis facing science? What does open science mean? The answers contained in the book are partial and relate to the dilemma evoked in its title: copyright or intellectual property?'



05/24/2024, 01:20

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Date tagged:

05/24/2024, 05:20

Date published:

01/01/2020, 00:20