The Emergence of Issues Associated with the Trend of Open Science and the Transformation of Citizen Science and Its Impact on Intellectual Property|Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-27


Abstract "The open science trend is transforming science, society, and its communities into a data-driven and networked society by opening knowledge through the transformation of society’s information infrastructure and media, namely the Internet and the Web. This trend is not only changing scientific research, but also developing into problem solving through co-creation involving a wide range of sectors, as symbolized by the transformation of Citizen Science. Furthermore, it has the potential to have no small impact on intellectual property activities, questioning the nature of public knowledge and revealing the need for research data licensing and legal systems. In addition, with the possibility of fundamental changes in the information infrastructure, it is necessary to face a variety of ethical challenges."

This article is part of the Spessial Issue of the Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan (Vol.20 No.3), with a focus on Open Science and Citizen Science. 



05/26/2024, 23:29

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05/27/2024, 03:29

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03/19/2024, 23:29