Current Hybrid Perspective towards Open Science Paradigm / Kazuhiro Hayashi

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-27



"Today, we live in a data-driven society, where data distribution is considered to be the key to future innovation, and various attempts are being made in this pursuit. In science, too, a paradigm shift in data-centered research is underway in the name of Open Science. Open Science creates a new science and research style (Digital Transformation (DX) of science), and does not deny conventional science, but rather improves its efficiency. New scientific research style is added on top of it; new attempts are stacked, and so on, which are complementary to each other. And, as in the past, the progress of science will change society, including industry, and science and society will be transformed eventually. Alternatively, artificial intelligence (AI) research is generating new knowledge from industry and society and advancing science [...]"

The article is written by Kazuhiro Hayashi (Director of Research Unit for Data Application at the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Japan)





05/27/2024, 00:05

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Hanna_S's bookmarks

Tags: oa.open_science oa.infrastructure oa.chemistry oa.japan oa.hybrid

Date tagged:

05/27/2024, 04:05

Date published:

01/30/2024, 23:05