Springer Nature’s latest regional research integrity survey shows Japanese researchers lack support in data management

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-27


"Springer Nature’s latest national research integrity survey shows Japanese researchers lack support in data management, a trend reflected in the publisher’s other national integrity surveys. Whilst results showed that 73% of Japanese researchers have access to research integrity training, the highest proportion of researchers for any country surveyed so far, data training continues to make up a large proportion of the areas highlighted by respondents where more support is needed. This included the need for more support around data management, such as data policies (35%), copyright and licencing (33%), data storage (30%), use and re-use and curation of data (29%)..." 




05/27/2024, 00:50

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Date tagged:

05/27/2024, 04:50

Date published:

05/24/2024, 00:50