Preserving Indigenous Wisdom In The Digital Age: The Significance Of Traditional Knowledge Digital library / India's TKDL

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-29


"Indigenous knowledge and cultural heritage are at a critical crossroads in a world that is embracing digital innovations and technological advancements at a rapid pace. The Traditional Knowledge Digital Library is one outstanding project that aims to close the gap between tradition and modernity (TKDL). This innovative project ensures that indigenous communities’ priceless knowledge is preserved amidst the sweeping waves of globalization, serving as more than just a storehouse of antiquated knowledge. We will discuss the importance of TKDL as a resource for indigenous communities and how it acts as a lighthouse for the preservation of their rich cultural heritage in this article... Because traditional knowledge exhibits characteristics of both intellectual property and public domain, while also being subject to their limitations, it is of a unique kind. Such knowledge becomes part of the public domain, where it can be exploited since exclusive intellectual property rights (IPR) cannot be exercised over it because it lacks qualities like innovation and an identifiable owner. Therefore, safeguarding traditional knowledge has shown to be a difficult undertaking [...]

Any Patent Officer can access the entire database at any time for free at no cost at all. The TKDL Access Agreement governs Patent Officers’ access to TKDL and prohibits sharing any content with third parties [...]

Access to tkdl is not available in the public domain, which leads to a lack of knowledge regarding available traditional resources [...]"



05/29/2024, 00:22

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Tags: oa.patents oa.biopiracy oa.negative oa.tkdl oa.india oa.south oa.indigenous

Date tagged:

05/29/2024, 04:22

Date published:

03/18/2024, 00:22