Recommendations for the Open Science and Research Assessment reforms in Ukraine

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-05-31


"This deliverable provides an overview and recommendations for Ukrainian academia with regards to Open Science and Research Assessment. It starts with a mapping of Open Science practices and reforms for Advanced Research Assessment among the partner organisations in the Open4UA project. Further, it summarizes the contents and conclusions of three training workshops held at TU Delft, ULB Brussels and University of Ljubljana, respectively. Finally, it concludes with recommendations at the national, institutional and individual levels for Ukrainian policymakers, funders, higher education institutions and research performing institutions."



05/31/2024, 00:42

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Tags: oa.assessment oa.policies oa.ukraine oa.ukrainian oa.europe oa.open4ua oa.recommendations

Date tagged:

05/31/2024, 04:42

Date published:

05/16/2024, 00:42