Focusing on the human dimension of Open Science: Interview with Mauro Campanella of Consortium GARR - EOSC Association

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-01



"This interview is part of a series coordinated by the EOSC Focus project. The interviews aim to highlight the role of the EOSC Association’s Mandated Organisations. By bringing their activities and insights to the forefront, the EOSC Focus interviews will help to reinforce the connections between each country’s Mandated Organisation and its EOSC Association Member and Observer organisations, as well as to make visible the work going into the implementation of EOSC at the national and institutional levels.

Isabel Caetano (EOSC Association) and Kaori Otsu (CREAF) interviewed Mauro Campanella, who is responsible for international research at Consortium GARR. As the EOSC-A Mandated Organisation for Italy, Consortium GARR aims to align national research strategies with FAIR principles, prioritising the human dimension of Open Science. Campaella also highlighted the activities of the Italian open source community and emphasised the importance of research infrastructures and their sustainability for the development of the EOSC ecosystem."




06/01/2024, 19:26

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06/01/2024, 23:26

Date published:

05/30/2024, 19:26