연구성과활용·확산을 위한 오픈사이언스 활성화 전략 (Open Science activation strategy for utilising and disseminating research results) June 12 | KISTEP forum, Korea

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-05


On June 12, 2024, the Korea Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) will host a forum 'Open Science activation strategy for utilising and disseminating research results'. One of the important aspects of the discussion is the research data management and sharing (presenter is the Head of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information's Research Data Sharing Centre Yim Hyung-Jun). 




06/04/2024, 23:56

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Date tagged:

06/05/2024, 03:56

Date published:

06/03/2024, 23:56