ResearchGate is Hiding Open Access Articles | Indiana University Library

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-06


'Last year I wrote a post comparing ResearchGate with our institutional repository for generating downloads of openly shared manuscripts. In short, the repository beat ResearchGate by 84% in download counts for the works that I have shared on both sites. If I want people to find and read my articles, I’m not wasting my time with ResearchGate [...]


An article that was once openly and legally available for download on RG, is now “privately shared.” So, RG hid my article and didn’t ask to see if I had the rights to share it … and (as far as I know) didn’t even send me a notification to say that it’d be hidden from now on.'



06/05/2024, 21:55

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Hanna_S's bookmarks

Tags: oa.researchgate oa.publishers oa.negative oa.repositories oa.takedowns

Date tagged:

06/06/2024, 01:55

Date published:

06/04/2024, 21:55