Apply for the Open Science Programme until June 16, 2024 | UNIRI

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-08


"Exciting news for all Open Science enthusiasts! As part of our commitment to fostering Open Science practices, we are now introducing the Open Science Programme. All YUFE [Young Universities for the Future of Europe] universities offer different support infrastructures for academics, to empower them to share knowledge and data, or to include partners from across academia, industry, public authorities and citizen groups in the research process.

This programme is targeted at research support staff and professional service staff that gives Open Science support. You will exchange good practices in Open Science support at YUFE partner universities and hear about latest approaches from experts. It is an opportunity to connect, to learn from other institutions and colleagues, and to grow as a professional...

This programme will take place over the course of three months and will consist of four online sessions. There are two seats available per university [...]"



06/08/2024, 03:50

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป Hanna_S's bookmarks

Tags: oa.open_science oa.universities oa.yufe oa.europe

Date tagged:

06/08/2024, 07:50

Date published:

05/10/2024, 03:50