A Survey of Open Access Institutional Repositories in Nigerian University Libraries: The Current State

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-10


Abstract "The purpose of the study is to investigate the development of institutional repositories in university libraries in Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design. Online questionnaire, IRs investigation, and interview methods were used to collect data from the 21 university libraries that have developed IRs in Nigeria. The study revealed that only few universities have successfully developed open access IRs to preserve and manage their intellectual outputs emanating from their universities. Contents such as journal articles, theses/dissertations, and conference / workshop papers were found to be the most popular contents that are hosted in the IRs. The interview revealed that although few respondents mentioned having IR policy statements in areas such as access policy, submission policy, preservation policy, content policy and copyright policy, the majority mentioned not having any defined policy in their IR. Also in the interview, inadequate fund, challenge of collecting contents for the IR, shortage of skilled ICT personnel, and inadequate facilities were the most mentioned challenges encountered in the development of IRs in Nigeria. Findings from this study will inform University Librarians, university management and policy makers on the need to provide the necessary infrastructure and formulate policies for smooth development of institutional repositories to make research visible globally. The results will therefore provide important data and insight into the development of institutional repositories in university libraries in the context of developing countries."




06/09/2024, 20:38

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Date tagged:

06/10/2024, 00:38

Date published:

03/13/2024, 20:38