WorldFAIR (D2.3) Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF) (Report Synthesising Recommendations for Disciplines and Cross-Disciplinary Research Areas)
Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-11
"The Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF) is designed to support FAIR implementation for these projects by establishing a ‘lingua franca’ for this information, based on existing standards and technologies to support interoperability, in both human- and machine-actionable fashion. CDIF is a set of implementation recommendations, based on profiles of common, domain-neutral metadata standards which are aligned to work together to support core functions required by FAIR.
This report presents a core set of five CDIF profiles, which address the most important functions for cross-domain FAIR implementation.
Discovery (discovery of data and metadata resources)
Data access (specifically, machine-actionable descriptions of access conditions and permitted use)
Controlled vocabularies (good practices for the publication of controlled vocabularies and semantic artefacts)
Data integration (description of the structural and semantic aspects of data to make it integration-ready)
Universals (the description of ‘universal’ elements, time, geography, and units of measurement).
Each of these profiles is supported by specific recommendations, including the set of metadata fields in specific standards to use, and the method of implementation to be employed for machine-level interoperability."