Open Science. Implications for applied language research |The Routledge Companion to English Studies

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-12


Abstract of the book chapter:

"The field of English studies is generally associated with the humanities. So at first glance the appearance of a discussion bearing the words ‘Open Science’ might seem out of place here. However, as shown in the contents of this volume, the study of English can involve systematic investigations of linguistic phenomena as a constituent part of social life. In terms of recognized nomenclature, we refer to this body of scholarly efforts as ‘applied language studies’. Many aspects of ‘Open Science’ can be relevant to both quantitative and qualitative approaches to research that are represented in applied language studies. As the ensuing discussion will show, the main concerns are: increasing transparency and methodological rigor, and widening accessibility of published research. For that reason we can read ‘Open Scholarship’ for ‘Open Science’."


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Date tagged:

06/12/2024, 23:20

Date published:

06/12/2024, 19:20