Estonia set to replace outdated research and innovation law with new act | Science|Business

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-19


'Estonia is to introduce a new act on research, development and innovation, overhauling legislation dating from 1997 that the government says is “no longer efficient or effective enough in today's circumstances”.

The key goals are to create stronger links between R&D and innovation, to have better coordination between ministries, introduce a new funding system for private and public institutions and - or the first time - enshrine the regulation of ethics in the law...

In a further departure, the new law will codify research ethics, including legislating on open science and how the sharing knowledge and research results should be handled in an ethical and safe way. While this has been present in Estonian research, it is not currently supported by law.

The government is now awaiting feedback before moving the legislation forward.'




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Tags: oa.open_science oa.innovation oa.ethics oa.estonia oa.europe oa.legislation oa.policies

Date tagged:

06/19/2024, 06:03

Date published:

06/19/2024, 02:03