Data Policy for Times of Crisis Facilitated by Open Science (DPTC) Consultative Meeting / UNESCO & CODATA

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-22


UNESCO-CODATA DPTC Consultative Meeting (UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE/BIE), Geneva and Virtual, Friday, 5 July 2024, 10:00-12:00 CEST / 08:00-10:00 UTC) UNESCO has partnered with the Committee on Data (CODATA) of the International Science Council (ISC) to explore how the principles of open science as outlined in the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science could guide efficient and effective policies for data sharing in times of crises taking into account existing international policies and action frameworks.


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Tags: oa.open_science oa.unesco oa.codata

Date tagged:

06/22/2024, 02:28

Date published:

06/21/2024, 22:28