Apply for support in converting your journal club to a preprint review club – ASAPbio

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-25


"Traditional journal clubs are present in most labs and departments bringing together early career researchers to discuss and review a chosen article. These groups effectively perform peer review but often don’t share the comments with the authors. This year ASAPbio is launching a fund to support current journal clubs in performing (and sharing) peer reviews of preprints. We envisage this project as a proof-of-principle that we can hopefully use as an example for further integration with journals and preprint peer review services."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Hanna_S's bookmarks

Tags: oa.preprints oa.journals oa.funding oa.biology oa.asapbio oa.versions oa.peer_review

Date tagged:

06/25/2024, 02:00

Date published:

06/24/2024, 22:00