Open Access: Updated national strategy seeks further improvements for researchers

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-26


'Among other things, the objectives of the updated Open Access Strategy focus on further improving conditions for researchers in Switzerland. Matthias Egger stresses that, “as institutions, we want to ensure that researchers have the necessary infrastructures and services at their disposal so that they can publish under Open Access with as little additional effort as possible.” He feels that “they should have the unrestricted right to make their content freely accessible.”

Ultimately, the evaluation procedures in research funding institutions and at the universities must also contribute to a diverse publication landscape and, for example, allow researchers to opt for alternative forms of publication – in keeping with the notion of “bringing Open Access to researchers” rather than just “taking researchers to Open Access.”'


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Tags: oa.policies oa.infrastructure oa.switzerland oa.europe

Date tagged:

06/26/2024, 23:31

Date published:

06/26/2024, 19:31