국내외 OA 출판 확산에 따른 국내 주요 기관 OA 전환 비용 분석 [Cost Analysis of Open Access Transformation for Major Domestic Institutions in Response to the Expansion of Open Access Publishing Domestically and Internationally] | 이슈브리프 보고서 | 한국과학기술정보연구원

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-06-28


Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)'s Issue Brief titled 'Cost Analysis of Open Access Transformation for Major Domestic Institutions in Response to the Expansion of Open Access Publishing Domestically and Internationally'


'In a white paper published by the Max Planck Society's Digital Library in Germany in 2015, it was argued that a large-scale transition of subscription journals to Open Access (OA) could be achieved through OA transformative agreements, by converting the subscription fees paid by libraries worldwide to publishers into OA publication fees. Since then, despite various controversies, many library consortia and research institutions worldwide have agreed with this idea, and examples of OA transformative agreements have spread beyond Europe and the Americas to Asia. The number of hybrid OA articles published under OA agreements is growing rapidly every year, and reached nearly 300,000 in 2023. In Korea, OA transformative agreements are being signed, starting with the NST-Elsevier agreement in 2021, but large-scale consortial agreements with major publishers have not yet been reached. In this issue brief, we analysed whether the subscription fees currently paid by major Korean institutions to major publishers are sufficient to cover the costs of OA publishing. To do so, we first selected the top 30 institutions (35 in total after removing duplicates) based on their publication volume and subscription fees for journals from 9 major publishers, and categorised them into four categories. Subsequently, we conducted a cost analysis based on scenarios for each type of transformative agreement and presented the results by institution category in order to propose a direction for establishing a national OA transformation strategy.'




06/27/2024, 23:17

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Date tagged:

06/28/2024, 03:17

Date published:

06/24/2024, 23:17