Postdoctoral Scholar in Open Source Information Science / University of California, Santa Barbara

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-07-03


"The University of Santa Barbara Library invites applications for a Postdoctoral Scholar in Open Source Information Science. The successful candidate will work within the Department of Research Data Services at the Library and in collaboration with campus faculty on a project focused on open source discovery and sustainability. The project leverages an interdisciplinary team of scientists, librarians and engineers across the University of California that are part of a recently funded UC OSPO Network via an award from the Alfred P Sloan Foundation. This position will work with UC-wide working groups focused on open-source discovery and open source sustainability, and liaise with a third working group focused on open-source education and training. The position will also collaborate with a community manager based at UC Davis."



07/03/2024, 00:05

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Tags: oa.open_science oa.floss oa.libraries oa.usa

Date tagged:

07/03/2024, 04:05

Date published:

07/02/2024, 00:05