Breaking Down Barriers: Benefits of Open Science for Rural School Psychologists: School Psychology Review: Vol 0, No 0 - Get Access

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-07-19


Abstract "Examining open science practices and how they can be applied to various fields is an ongoing movement. While fairly absent from the literature, rural school psychology is a field where applying components of open science could be beneficial. Rural school psychologists operate under unique parameters compared to their urban counterparts and as a result, have different barriers they face. By examining the pillars of open science, this article looks at the benefits open science could bring to rural school psychologists and their districts. Challenges to the implementation of open science in rural school districts are discussed, as is the opportunity for future research opportunities."



07/19/2024, 03:56

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Date tagged:

07/19/2024, 07:56

Date published:

07/17/2024, 03:56