The future of science publishing

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-07-29



"In 2015, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the largest charitable research foundations in the world, introduced a new publication policy that promised to pay publication charges for papers its grantees write as long as the content of the final version of the study was freely available to read somewhere online.

The policy stated that the foundation “would pay reasonable fees required by a publisher to effect publication on these terms.” In 2021, the foundation narrowed that support, clarifying that going forward it would pay only for research published in fully open-access journals, which make all their papers freely available to read.

In March, the Gates Foundation surprised many by backtracking on these policies. It announced that starting Jan. 1, 2025, it would no longer cover publishing costs. The decision is causing anxiety among researchers and publishing experts, who wonder how the open-access model can be maintained if funders don’t foot the publishing bill [...]"



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Date tagged:

07/29/2024, 09:51

Date published:

07/29/2024, 05:51