Launch of One DAE One Subscription (ODOS) | Department Of Atomic Energy | India

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-08-04


"One DAE One Subscription (ODOS) a unique idea envisioned by Secretary, DAE, has enabled to bring DAE & all its units/subunits (about 60) together under one umbrella for access to national and international research papers as well as scientific journals. With this initiative it is now possible to share the resources digitally and evolve collectively. It is a great pleasure to announce that DAE has signed consortium agreements with M/s. Wiley India Private Limited and with M/s. Springer Nature Group..."



08/02/2024, 20:01

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป Hanna_S's bookmarks

Tags: oa.offsets oa.consortia oa.india oa.springer_nature oa.wiley oa.south

Date tagged:

08/04/2024, 00:01

Date published:

07/28/2024, 20:01