FAIR Mappings WG (RDA Community Review)

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-08-21


"The FAIR Mappings WG aims at working with the various communities and the RDA WGs which have generated mappings to converge toward common guidelines to make different types of mappings FAIR, and a common machine-readable/actionable set of representations of the mappings beyond the capabilities of the current existing specifications.

The WG will create a unifying classification of mappings that builds on existing classifications such as RDA Brokering Framework and Semantic Mapping Vocabulary (SEMAPV). The development of this ontology/classification will be done using concrete case-studies collected from the involved communitiesBy building this classification, the WG will ensure that the FAIR guidelines and the set of exchange models cover the scope of mapping diversity and that any further developments and discussions can happen using more precise mapping related terminology. Finally, these outputs will be used to create an open knowledge base of mapping and crosswalk scenarios with rich metadata which could be leveraged by communities to complement the provided guidelines when starting their mapping journey. This work will be done in close collaboration with existing projects in the EOSC context such as FAIR-IMPACT, which is developing guidelines and capturing community mapping activities, and FAIRCORE4EOSC, which is developing resources to register mappings, with the RDA providing them with the mechanism for engaging stakeholders beyond Europe [...]"




08/20/2024, 23:21

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Date tagged:

08/21/2024, 03:21

Date published:

07/28/2024, 23:21