"Developing Trend of Global Scientific Journals in Open Science Environ" by Zhixiong ZHANG, Mengting ZHANG et al.

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-08-25


Abstract "Open science establishes a new paradigm of reproducible, transparent, shared and collaborative scientific research. As to global scientific journals, open science is essentially bringing about a revolutionary change for scholarly communication. This study briefly reviews the basic concept of open science and its developing trend, analyzes the main challenges that open science brings to global scientific journals, summarizes some of the new initiatives taken by the global scientific journals in response to the challenges of open science, and puts forward some suggestions for Chinese scientific journals for their development in open science environment."




08/25/2024, 01:44

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Date tagged:

08/25/2024, 05:44

Date published:

07/06/2023, 01:44