국내외 연구데이터 법제도 비교분석 및 개선과제

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-09-05


Korea's Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) has published a report titled 'Recommendations on a National Research Data Regulation, Based on a Comparative Analysis'. 

This report compares and analyses the status of research data laws and systems in five countries - the United States, France, Japan, the United Kingdom and Germany - where research data-related activities are relatively active and related infrastructure and legal systems are well developed. Based on this analysis, the report proposes directions for improving Korea's research data legal system, including recommendations for the bill on the promotion of research data management and utilisation, which is currently under review.

pp. 27-29 of the report: Summary in English




09/04/2024, 21:47

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Date tagged:

09/05/2024, 01:47

Date published:

09/01/2024, 21:47