Is that LLM Actually "Open Source"? We need to talk Open-Washing in AI Governance | HackerNoon
Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-09-09
"In this blog, we dive deep into the complexities of AI openness, focusing on how Open Source principles apply—or fail to apply—to Large Language Models (LLMs) like BloomZ and Llama 2. By the end of this article, you’ll understand the historical context of Open Source licensing, the current challenges in defining "openness" in AI, and the phenomenon of "open-washing", which is misleading consumers and developers alike. We also introduce a comprehensive evaluation framework that integrates the Open Source AI Definition (OSAID) with complementary insights from other frameworks to help you make more informed decisions about AI models. Finally, we’ll conclude with actionable best practices to develop the composite judgment to quantitatively measure transparency for any “Open Source” large language model.
It’s also helpful to explore alternatives that complement widely accepted definitions. As we will discuss, some perspectives—including recent analyses—suggest that frameworks like the Open Source AI Definition (OSAID) benefit from additional dimensions, particularly in how they address issues like data transparency. The Model Openness Framework and its roots in Open Science principles offer a complementary perspective that may serve as an additional guidepost for evaluating AI openness. We are still in the earliest days of regulatory compliance in this space."