Publishing Rights Coordination Assistant, apply until October 28 | International Labour Organization

Hanna_S's bookmarks 2024-09-28


"Specific Duties

1.    Act as the focal point for Open Access-related matters. Provide guidance on rules and regulations and respond to questions pertaining to Open Access and Creative Commons licences. 2.    Provide guidance and support to departments and field offices on Open Access partnerships, including on translation, reprints, and other forms of reuse.  Liaise with commercial publishers to facilitate the publication of ILO material under Creative Commons licences. 3.    Carry out all operations for licensing and administration of ILO copyright publications and material published prior to ILO’s Open Access launch date. Support the drafting and preparation of administrative documents and standard contractual agreements related to ILO copyright matters and co-publishing arrangements and coordinate with the Editorial Administrator. 4.    Monitor adherence to existing licencing agreements (both by ILO and its partners). Respond to general first line enquiries on publishing or copyright matters, such as, but not limited to copyright pages.   5.    In consultation with the supervisor, bring to the attention of the Office of the Legal Adviser issues relating to Open Access or licensing that are of particular importance due to their complexity or potential legal or political implications.  Provide information and documentation as required and keep the supervisor informed. 6.    Process ISBN and ISSN allocation for ILO publications using the ILO’s publishing and asset management system. Respond to general ISBN and production queries. 7.    Coordinate requests for digital object identifiers (DOIs) and Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) data in collaboration with the ILO Library. Compile annual ISBN statistics for ISBN Agency. 8.    Prepare reports and statistics related to negotiations with publishers, institutions, and governments, if requested.  9.    Coordinate royalty payments and the recovery of local tax or other incorrect/improper deductions; verify and settle invoices relating to externally published books, liaising with technical units as necessary.  10.    Archive copyright, permissions and sales documentation in the ILO’s publishing and asset management system, as well as physical filing into official registry files.  11.    Administer sales operation with ILO’s main distributor including stock management and dispatch of documents and publications. 12.    Perform other relevant duties as assigned. "



09/28/2024, 06:16

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09/28/2024, 10:16

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09/27/2024, 06:16